April 25th



Blackout in 50 numbers or less. Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold. Click here for full bingo game rules.

Did you win?

Potential winners have until the following Monday by 11:59 AM to call and record their potential winning card(s) on the winners line. If Monday is a statutory holiday, the deadline will be moved to Tuesday by 11:59AM.

Report A Winning Card

Game Information

Cancelled until May 2nd 2020

Check www.kingobingo.ca

Our CTV broadcast of Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo for April 25th will be replaced by a free bingo called Kingo Bingo. We have cancelled Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo for April 25th due to the complications from business closures in Manitoba from April 1st to 28th. As of now, it is planned for this night only, but the situation is ever changing. Please check out www.KingoBingo.ca for more information.

We plan to be back on the air with Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo on May 2nd 2020. Card sales will be exclusively through our office via online sales, phone order with credit card, mail order with cheque, or even Interac direct payment for website gift certificate.

Cards will NOT be available in retail stores for the month of May or June. We want to make sure that people are just visiting their local stores for basic essentials, and not hopping from store to store lining up for bingo cards. We believe we are offering enough ordering choices to meet the demand of customers that do not shop online. We do care about our Manitoba retailers in this tough time, so we will still be sharing the same 10% commission on card sales for every card we sell in May and June. We will be calculating the proportion of each retailer's average sales from January to April 2020 and awarding commissions that way.

Because of the absolutely massive shipping demands, physical cards will only be available in quantities of 4 or 8 with one game per shipment. This is because we will be pre-packaging cards in envelopes before we even receive orders, and then placing mailing labels on the envelopes each time an order is received. It's the only way we will possibly be able to keep up with the demand. Shipping will be $1 for a 4-pack of one game, and $1.50 for an 8-pack of one game. We plan to make physical cards available around Wednesday of this week.

We will start offering multi-card packs in early June for games starting in July. In the meanwhile, we will be offering individual games up to 5 weeks in advance with our online and phone sales.

We also intend to offer digital downloads for our Kinsmen Jackpot games starting May 2nd. Now that we have tested out the system with our Kingo Bingo games, we will be putting together the details of our procedures for LGCA Manitoba to approve. We are confident that we will obtain approval for this method, especially during this time of isolation and quarantine. We plan to make digital downloads available for May 2nd on Tuesday April 28th after we close physical card sales.

From Tuesday to Saturday of every week, online orders will only be accepted for billing addresses in Manitoba (update: This billing restriction will take effect Tuesday April 28th). Anyone living out of province that orders physical cards online to ship to family in Manitoba will have to make their orders on Sunday and Monday only. This is because our digital downloads must only be distributed to Manitoba residents, and the only way to ensure that is to restrict the billing provinces from Tuesday to Saturday. Shipping addresses are always restricted to Manitoba at all times.

Since we had to cancel our April 25th game, we also had to postpone our $1 per card donation to RMHC Manitoba. Ronald McDonald House Charities provides accommodations for families from rural Manitoba who have children undergoing medical procedures at HSC in Winnipeg. We will very likely have this donation take place for our first game back. I would also love to do several more $1 per card donations in May and June instead of just the "once a month" we had originally planned. Please click the "COVID-19 Aid" link at the top of our website if your charity or non-profit group would like to request to be a part of this program.
