$74,000 Estimated Jackpot

$10,000 Guaranteed Prize


Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. Potential winners have until the following Monday by 11:59 AM to call and record their potential winning card(s) on the winners line. If Monday is a statutory holiday, the deadline will be moved to Tuesday by 11:59AM. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.

Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.

Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo

Winning Numbers September 16, 2023

CTV Broadcast

Beginning of show

Weekly Announcements:

September 30th cards are now available online!

    • September 30th cards are available online
    • After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com 
    • Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or the Guaranteed prize! 
    • The guaranteed jackpot for this week’s game is $10,000
Winnipeg Kinsmen Graphic
  • The Winnipeg Kinsmen wants to thank our players for playing!

  • You are a big reason we can continue to support Charities across Manitoba

50th Ball Fundraiser Feature


Sunshine House operates the Mobile Overdose Prevention Site, also known as MOPS! MOPS runs out of an RV and is a place where people can use drugs under the supervision of staff trained in overdose response. MOPS also has a mass spectrometer that can test drugs so people know exactly what’s in them. 

MOPS distributes harm reduction supplies and naloxone kits — naloxone is the drug that safely reverses opioid overdose. Staff members can provide referrals to treatment and other resources. We also provide rapid HIV tests and connect people to treatment if they test positive. 

MOPS is parked in the lot beside 631 Main St from Wednesday to Sunday, 11:45am-5:15pm. From 5:30-6:30, the RV moves around to different locations around central Winnipeg.

MOPS is in danger of closing. Our funding has not been extended beyond October 31, 2023. To find out how you can lend your support to keeping this public health initiative going, please visit SaferSites.ca!


Checking Ball Announcement

Ronald McDonald House Manitoba

    • Since 1984, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Manitoba has supported the health and well-being of children receiving medical care by providing essential services and a home away from home for their families.
    • In 2022, RMHC Manitoba supported 884 families with essential services through its two core programs, Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room, and provided 5,380 nights of accommodation to Winnipeg and rural Manitoba families, saving them an estimated $1,414,345 in costly, out-of-pocket expenses.
    • RMHC Manitoba was proud to open its new Ronald McDonald House program last September, which brought a 186% increase in mission delivery, grew from 11,000 sq. ft. to 60,000 sq. ft, and expanded from 14 to 40 bedrooms for families in need. Since its opening, the new House has served 417 families with 7,778 nights of accommodation (71% average occupancy rate), saving them over $1.9M.
    • There are many ways to support RMHC Manitoba families, including general and in-kind donations, Champion for Families online fundraiser, Home for Dinner program, volunteering, and more. Help give families the gift of togetherness when it’s needed most at RMHCManitoba.org.
    • We thank you for recognizing, valuing, and supporting the RMHC Manitoba mission. Because of you, RMHC Manitoba families are stronger together!

End of show

Additional Talking Points

Order September 30th cards online!

  • After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
  • Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or $10,000 Guaranteed prize!
  • You can get the winning numbers after the game at Kinsmenjackpotbingo.com or call the winners line at 204-946-6377